
The life of a human being is lived in a fire station. A significant proportion of his day is spent anticipating or putting out fires.

The first fire-fighting incident happens early in the morning when he hits the snooze button after the alarm goes off at 5.34 a.m. When he finally wakes up, he spends some 30 minutes trying to wake up the kids and forcing them to go to school.

On his way to work, his entire journey is spent looking at the conductor with the hope that he does not alight and disappear with his change.

When he arrives at work, he spends the next five hours licking his boss’s behind while trying to do as little work as possible. He also constantly checks his phone to see if someone has liked his social media update. He wonders why so many people have viewed his status but no one seems to like it. His day is salvaged when he finally gets one like.

Then after work, he comes home and finds that the kids have CBC homework that needs to be done. He does not have time to teach the kids how to make a house from boxes, but since he is worried that they may fail the assignment if he lets them do it themselves, he quickly makes a hut for them.

He later gets into an argument with his spouse about better ways of communicating in the relationship.

When he gets to bed, he starts to worry about his finances. He wonders what would happen if he lost his job. He wonders if he will ever make enough money to meet his financial obligations. He remembers that he has some debts that are overdue. He decides to take a loan to settle the debts.

He temporarily forgets his problems as he watches memes and funny videos until he falls asleep at midnight.

He wakes up at to pee and can’t get back to sleep. So, he tosses in his bed throughout the night wondering whether he is liked by his wife, his kids, his in-laws, workmates, people he went to high school with, his neighbors and social media friends.

Sleep finally comes at 4.30 a.m. and at 5.34 a.m., the alarm goes off.

Life is life