Christmas day

Christmas day evokes fond memories. It’s on 25th December that I got to wear the new clothes that my mum had bought for me in June. It’s on this day that I got to eat mandazi, chapati, rice, chicken and beef.  All the coveted foods on a single day. Plus, soda.

The excitement about Christmas actually started in 24th.  On the night of Christmas eve, my brother used to cook mandazi. I would sit next to him excited and giving him stories with the hope that he will give me one to taste as he cooked. But he was always adamant that I had to wait until he finished cooking for me to have a bite.

I grew up in a Catholic environment so the priests and sisters would organize some fun activities for us. Some of the activities involved us reenacting the birth of Christ.  

My mum tells me that I was a talented actor; I used to be given the role of an angel, flapping imaginary wings.
But I think it is precisely because of my lack of talent, that I was given the mundane and tiresome role. Otherwise, I would be angel Gabriel bringing the good news to Mary, the wise men from the East bearing gifts Or at least a cow mooing around the manger. (The role of baby Jesus always given to a doll).

On Christmas day I always felt joy and excitement about life.

I would put on my new cowboy underwear, Tokyo trousers and white Reeboks.

And as I walked out of the house my mother would ask me ” nkai ogoichi”. (Where are you going?).  I would say “ande” (nowhere).

I just went to the market and walked around.

Merry Christmas.

Life is life