Stepmother Nature

Nature is often referred to as mother nature. Well, I doubt.

A mother gives wholeheartedly.

But I think nature is more like a stepmother.

She gives with an ulterior motive.

Stepmother nature gives with one hand, but takes with the other.

To those she gives physical beauty, she gives an ugly heart.

To those she gives intelligence she denies peace.

To the artist she gives a tormented soul.

The pious man is given a godless son.

The great leader, a tyrant wife

The glorious is disgraceful while the charming is repulsive

Indeed, what seems wholesome maybe poisonous.

A friend may indeed be an enemy.

The learned are ignorant and the wealthy are poor.

Beneath the joyful heart, lurks sadness.

Stepmother nature seems to be smiling at us, but on a closer look, she is frowning.

Life is life

Fabio is a mental health professional, researcher and lecturer of psychology at Kenyatta university