An ode to my child

My child, the other day you said that you would like to be like me when you grow up

Those words pleased my ears

But on second thought, those words sent a chill down my spine

For what does it feel like to be like me?

To be like me is to be full of turmoil

To be like me is to live in anxiety

To be like me is to live in fear

You see, I am an adult now,

I lost myself at the age of 7

I have have been beaten into shape by society

I have gone through society’s mould

I have become an automaton

I am less than human now

If you ask me who I am

I will tell you I don’t know who I am

For my true nature has been annihilated

But you my child,

You are still innocent,

You move in freedom

You are full of life

You are full of energy

You are joyful

You are playful

You are full of possibilities

They say that as your parent, I should teach you the art of living

But what can a man who stopped living at the age of seven teach anyone about life?

What can I teach you, my child? Other than what society has taught me?

Will I not sap the life out of you, just like society did to me?

Will I not interfere with your true nature?

My child, it is me who needs to learn from you the art of living

For when I grow up,

I want to be like you

Life is life

Fabio is a mental health professional, researcher and lecturer of psychology at Kenyatta university.