On Transacting with God

Human beings are basically merchants. We are transactionists. We are shopkeepers. It’s just our nature to trade one thing for another.

Every interaction we have with another human being is a business transaction. And we keep score of what we have gained or lost at the end of the day. Our interactions are either an investment, a drawing of profit or making of a loss.

But human beings are in denial of the fact that they are lower than animals. Animals have no illusions about their superiority, good intentions and morality.

You tell human beings that they chose their spouse because they felt it was a good bargain. And they would vehemently deny and walk out in protest, saying that they married out of love.

But no relationship demonstrates the nature of human beings as merchants and transactionists, than the relationship we have with God.

Every now and then, we flock churches, temples and mosques. And for a token of prayers, songs, money and proselytizations, we cash in on God’s blessings.

And like good business men. We expect to receive more than we give.

Life is life
