An empty mind

In primary school we used to be told that an empty debe makes the loudest noise. This was an insult to those who made noise in class implying that they had empty minds. The implication here is that a full debe is desirable because it does not make noise.

But I have come to understand that an empty mind is not necessarily a bad thing.

You see, an empty mind is receptive to new information. But a mind that is full has no room for new information.

A mind that is full cannot see clearly. Neither can it listen.

On the other hand, a mind that is empty will see things for what they are. It will hear what needs to be heard.

A full mind looks at things through colored lens. The lens of morality, good and bad, right and wrong.

An empty mind looks at things without bias. Without judgement. Clearly.  

You see, when a human is born, his mind is more or less empty. Like a blank slate.

Then society takes over and starts to fill the mind with junk.

Religious institutions, school and the media consistently fill the mind with ideas, concepts and beliefs.  

And by the time one is an adult. His mind is full. And can only see the world through what he has been told since childhood.

The point is to rid ourselves of the dogmas, biases and indoctrination that has been systematically engraved in our minds since childhood.

To empty our minds and become like children again.

Then, we will experience heaven.

Life is life
