Nothing new

Every end of year, we take stock of the year and declare that the next year will be great. We have many wishes for the new year.

Wealth, health and joy.  

We hope that when we turn the calendar to a  new date. Our lives will take a new turn.

So, the new year starts with expectation and anticipation of good tidings.

But is there really anything new in the new year?

Other than hanging a new calendar on our walls. Other than changing the dates, Is there anything new?

Seriously, do we think the universe knows that it’s a new year? Do we really believe that by writing new dates, by the clock turning from 11.59 to 12.00, Our circumstances will change automatically.  

If you observe keenly, you will notice that on New Year’s Day, the sun will rise and fall, as usual. It is indifferent to our excitement about the new year. The moon, the stars and the rains do not give us any promises for the new year.

Next year is just another date in a calendar. It does not exist. It only exists in our imaginations.   

The only time that exists is today. The only time that exists is now.

Human beings invented calendars so that we can justify our procrastination.

New dates and new years give us the illusion of a new start and a blank slate.

But time does not change. Only people do.

Next year will be the same as last year.

Nothing new.

Life is life