
Schizophrenia is a mental condition that affects ones perception of reality. One may belief himself to be a king and yet he is a peasant. He may belief himself to be a slave,yet he is free. He may belief that some people are out to harm him even when evidence for such does not exist.

In essence, a schizophrenic is not in touch with reality. He does not live in the real world, but in his mind.  

Now, lets examine our own lives. Those of us who claim to be living in the real world. The “normal” ones. Those in touch with reality.

Do we imagine and feel things that do not exist?   
Are our fears, hopes and anxieties grounded in reality? Do we have fantasies and wild imaginations?

Don’t we live in anticipation of doom? Dont we live in anticipation of fortune? Dont we look forward to a tomorow that never arrives?

Don’t we fight shadows. Don’t we chase mirages. Dont we look in the mirror and see someone else ? Don’t we have false identities. Don’t we belief ourselves to be something we are really not.

Aren’t we full of thoughts? Negative thoughts, positive thoughts. Isn’t the mind constantly chattering

One may say, but we can go home and hug our children. We don’t walk around naked; we don’t collect and eat filth. We bathe ourselves and wear nice suits. We are at least functional.

Very well,

Functional we are, but barely. We are at the brink of collapse. Like a house of cards. Only one piece needs to be removed and we come tumbling down. Like dominoes.

Life is life
