On Convincing People

Trying to convince someone is a pointless activity.  

I remember some years ago, I tried to convince a certain lady not to break up with me. She had indicated over WhatsApp that she was done with my shenanigans and wanted out.

That caught me off-guard.  So, I asked her to meet me in person to iron out the issues. She agreed to meet at neutral place.

In my efforts to convince her, I bought her a chocolate and a success card written “I am sorry”, something I had never done in my life. Of course, I did not know what I was apologizing for but I wanted to appear to do something.

I spent a significant time trying to convince her not to end the relationship. I even quoted bible verses and made outrageous promises about my devotion to her.

Long story short, she was not convinced by my gimmicks. But she took the chocolate and the apology card.

So why did she agree to meet with me in the first place?  

She agreed to meet with me so as to conduct a burial ceremony to mark the end of the relationship. She had already made her decision. So, the meeting was more like the final rites and rituals where you read the obituary and life history of the dead.

And why was she not convinced even after all my efforts to convince her?  

Well, the relationship was already dead. And she was not a specialist in raising the dead. She was not a miracle worker and had not attended a short course in CPR.
But it was important that she allowed the bereaved (yours truly) to mourn the loss and say his piece.

Otherwise, the train had already left the station. The horse had already bolted.

You see, people don’t change because they are convinced.

They change because they are ready to.

Life is life
