Nothing works

A man has back pain. He goes to a doctor and the doctor prescribes some medication. The medication numbs the pain for a few hours but the pain returns.

He goes to a chiropractor. He is told his bones need some readjustment. He is readjusted and feels better for two seconds. But the pian persists.

A friend recommends he drinks some “herbal” concoction to relieve the pain. The only relieve he gets is the bowel movement as a result of diarrhoea.

He reads on the internet of a fitness coach who can make the pain disappear in two days. The fitness coach teaches him to do stretching exercises and deadlifts.  But the pain does not go away.

He decides to go to a massage specialist. The masseuse gives him a full body massage. Promising him that it will relax his back muscles. The pain does not go away but at least he gets an erection during the massage.

He finally goes to a motivational speaker. Who listens to his story of how he has suffered with back pain for years. The motivational speaker tells him that he only needs to belief that he is healed. That the pain is only in his mind.  

Nothing works.

Too many experts, too many band-aid solutions.

Another man suffers from anxiety. He seeks the help of experts. One expert gives him pills; another tells him to meditate. Another expert encourages him to do a morning routine of cold showers and jumping jacks. Another tells him to pray it away.

No one gets to the essence of the problem.

Everyone offers solutions.

But the solutions are as effective as Elastoplast on a septic wound.

Life is life