The body and the metaverse

Your body is wiser than your mind.

When we have food poisoning. The body eliminates the toxins through diarrhea and vomiting.

Everything we experience when we are sick, from fevers, headaches and loss of appetite, is the body’s natural mechanism of dealing with pathogens.

When we have a fever, we typically take the logical step of finding out what is causing the fever.

But society tells us that we should use our minds and ignore our bodies. When you’re anxious, they say don’t be anxious. Have a positive mind. But the anxiety does not go away even after entertaining positive thoughts the whole day.

You see, anxiety is the body staying alert after sensing danger. If you are walking along Machakos country bus with a bag, your anxiety levels can rise to 2000 heart beats per second. Those fellas can force you to travel to Siaya Kababa and yet you were just headed to Githurai Kimbo. 

The logical step therefore is to examine the anxiety. Why and when it arises.

But like the Ouroboros, the snake that eats its own tail, the mind seems to be cannibalizing the body. The body gives impulses which the mind does not understand while the mind insists on giving instructions that the body cannot follow.

No one taught the body how to digest food. You did not require to know the definition of breathing before you started breathing. No one gave you a long lecture on how to walk before you started walking. The body just knows.

The body cannot be taught by the mind. It is the mind that needs to learn to listen to the body.

Anyone who has had an unsettled stomach knows the relief that comes from farting. But society has conditioned us to suppress even our most natural instincts.

Now we are shifting to the virtual world. A world in which the mind instructs the body to experience unreal things as real.

But will we be able to eat and have sex on the metaverse?

Life is life
